MasterCardATM Solutions, Credit Card Processors, Merchant Funders:
High Risk Credit Card Service Highly Rated

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Gold MasterCard®

When your MasterCard® comes from Vermont National Bank, you get a lot of extras that aren’t always available everywhere else: No annual fee on the cards you can use all the way from Vermont to China!

Our MasterCards have low annual percentage rates (APR) and no annual fees. Ask us for our current schedule.

You can use your VNB MasterCard® at more than ten million locations worldwide, including thousands right here in Vermont.

Cash Advances

With a Vermont National Bank MasterCard® or Gold MasterCard®, you can get cash advances at automatic teller machines (ATM’s) through the Plus®, MAC® and NYCE® networks.

MasterCard®, the People’s Choice

Here’s what makes our MasterCard® so popular:

  • Credit lines of $500 to $4,500
  • $100,000 Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance covers loss of life when you purchase a plane, train, boat or bus ticket with your MasterCard
  • Free cash advance checks: handy for paying bills, and especially practical for paying balances on other credit cards which carry higher interest rates
  • Optional Credit Life and Disability Insurance available periodically at the low cost of 23 cents per $100 balance for joint coverage
  • Toll-free customer service. Call 1-800-367-8862, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Free additional cards for family members
  • Emergency credit line increases available to qualified cardholders
  • Free emergency card replacement

Gold MasterCard®–for Even More Advantages

Whether you’re a world traveler or you simply want to have more credit available for shopping and entertaining, a Vermont National Bank Gold MasterCard makes sense. You get all the benefits of MasterCard, plus other important advantages:

 Emergency Services

If your card is lost or stolen, you can get a free replacement card within 24 hours. We can also help replace lost or stolen airline tickets –– usually within 24 hours. A message service for emergency situations is also available.

 Travel Services

Gold MasterCard offers travel-planning services.

 Extra Insurance Benefits

  • Automobile Collision/Loss Damage Waiver Insurance. When you use your Gold Master-Card to rent a car, you automatically receive this insurance which covers physical damage to a rental vehicle that is not covered by other insurance and can save you up to $15 a day. (Certain conditions and exclusions apply.)
  • $400,000 Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance Covering Loss of Life. You automatically receive this coverage when you buy a plane, train, boat or bus ticket with your Vermont National Bank card.

 Special Benefits

  • Purchase Assurance covers loss due to theft or damage of items purchased with Gold MasterCard for up to $1,000 and for 90 days from date of purchase. MasterCard will either replace or repair the purchased item. (Certain conditions and exclusions apply.)
  • Extended Warranty automatically doubles the time period of a manufacturer’s warranty for items made in the U.S. for up to one year. (Certain conditions and exclusions apply.)
  • For These Services Call: 1-800-MC-ASSIST Outside the U.S. call collect: 202-296-4650.

 Legal Assistance

If a cardholder should get into trouble, Gold MasterCard can provide the name and number of a local attorney, plus help to arrange bail.

 Medical Services

When you’re out of town, Gold MasterCard can help you locate hospitals, clinics and doctors.Gold MasterCard can also help arrange for emergency medical transportation and assist with the processing of medical claims.

A printable MasterCard application is available.

Have questions? You can drop by one of our offices, call us at 1-800-367-8862, or contact us by e-mail.


MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International.


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