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Personal Banking

  1. Checking Accounts
  2. Savings Accounts
  3. Money Markets and CDs
  4. Breakaway Account -- a specially priced checking/savings account and credit card.
  5. Mortgage Services
  6. Retirement Accounts
  7. Trust and Investment Services
  8. Credit and Debit Cards
  9. Loans and Lines of Credit
  10. ATM (automated teller machines) Cards
  11. Direct Deposit/Direct Payment
  12. Accounts especially for students and young adults
  13. Education Funding Programs
  14. Socially Responsible Banking Fund
  15. BIL (Bank Information Line), 24-hour access to account information.

Business Banking

  1. Business & Non-Profit Checking Accounts
  2. Sweep Accounts
  3. Corporate Credit Cards
  4. Computer Banking Services
  5. Investment Management for Businesses and Non-Profits
  6. Business Money Market Accounts & CDs
  7. Commercial Lending Services (loans and lines of credit)
  8. Simplified Employee Pension Plan Service
  9. Employee Banking Plan
  10. Business|Manager (the bank purchases your receivables at discount and takes on the responsibility of billing your customers)
  11. Socially Responsible Banking Fund
  12. BIL (Bank Information Line), 24-hour access to account information.
  13. Processing Services
    1. Automated Payroll Processing
    2. Credit Card and Off-Line Debit Card Processing for financial institutions
    3. CheckAccess for financial institutions
    4. Lockbox Services
    5. Merchant Accounts (credit card processing for retailers)

Trust & Investments

  1. Investment Services for Individuals (portfolio managers help clients formalize needs and objectives, tailor an investment plan, and monitor performance)
  2. Trust Services for Individuals (for example, to provide for a child's education, support a relative, make charitable bequests, consolidate finances, save on estate taxes, and avoid probate)
  3. Testamentary Trust Services for Individuals
  4. Estate Settlement for Individuals
  5. Trust & Investment Services for Businesses

Especially For Students

  1. Education Purpose Loans and Certificates of Deposit
  2. Education Guides for Parents and Students (publications for students and parents about how to plan for, select, and finance an education)

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In the meantime, we invite you to drop by one of our offices or call us at 1-800-367-8862.





Socially Responsiblel Banking Fund is a registered trademark of VNB. Business|Manager is a registered trademark of Private Business Inc.


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Vermont National Bank/First Savings of New Hampshire is ensured by the FDIC.

Vermont National Bank /First Savings of New Hampshire is an Equal Housing Lender.